Bringing your neighborhood to life.

January 2024

  • By-laws and non-profit status best practices

    By-laws and non-profit status best practices

    Neighborhood associations play a crucial role in enhancing community living by fostering a sense of belonging, advocating for community needs, and organizing local events or programs. To maximize their impact and ensure legal compliance, it’s essential to adopt best practices in drafting by-laws and maintaining non-profit status. Here’s how: Crafting Effective By-laws Purpose and Mission:…

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  • Are you leaving money on the table? Unlock new revenue.

    Are you leaving money on the table? Unlock new revenue.

    Neighborhood associations are critical to enhancing community life, offering a unique opportunity to foster local-scale investments or programming that directly benefits the neighborhood. Beyond traditional funding methods, there are untapped revenue streams that could significantly boost your association’s ability to serve your neighborhood. Revenue streams you might not have considered How can help Our…

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  • What is your neighborhood association all about? 5 areas that make a BIG impact.

    What is your neighborhood association all about? 5 areas that make a BIG impact.

    What does a neighbor association do? At the heart of neighborhood associations, they pride themselves on fostering community bonds and enhancing their neighborhood’s charm. Here are some specific areas that can be further explored and implemented to boost your neighborhood’s impact: Events Plan, coordinate, implement and support events such as Wine and Cheese Socials, Easter…

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  • Is Posting Your Minutes Online Exposing You to Scams?

    Is Posting Your Minutes Online Exposing You to Scams?

    Neighborhood associations play a crucial role in fostering transparency and community engagement through the sharing of meeting minutes. However, the conventional practice of posting these minutes online without adequate security measures can inadvertently expose associations and their members to scams and cybersecurity threats. Imagine this scenario: a neighborhood association’s meeting minutes, including financial details such…

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